The Archangel Raphael is widely recognized as the angel of healing in the Christian, Islamic and Judaic traditions. The name Raphael means "God Heals" or "It is God Who Heals". Of the seven widely recognized archangels, only Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel are present in standard biblical scriptures. Archangel Raphael, however, appears in The Book of Tobit, recognized as canonical by the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, The Book of Enoch and the Islamic Hadith.
Taro Love
Archangel Raphael is the patron saint of doctors and medical practitioners. In the Book of Tobit, Raphael tells Tobit to catch a fish, from which he uses the gallbladder to heal a man of blindness. For this reason, Raphael is often pictured standing on a large fish or holding line with a captured fish.
This article is about Taro LoveThis is often associated with judgment as well as healing. In the Book of Enoch, Raphael binds the demon Azazel until judgment day arrives. In the Islamic tradition, Raphael blows the horn that signals that Judgment Day has come. In occult lore, Raphael is associated with the colors gold and green. His gemstone is the emerald. Raphael is connected to the air element and appears in the mystical traditions of the Tarot and the Kabbalah.
Archangel Raphael's stronghold in the minds of believers is reflected in the many places named for him. Cities, mountains and even deserts named after Saint Raphael are found in France, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Bolivia, Columbia, Mexico, Peru, Chile, the Philippines and Venezuela.
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