Friday, December 9, 2011

The Hierophant Tarot Card - What it Means in a Tarot Reading

The Hierophant card can be seen as a positive card for the recipient in a tarot spread. It represents someone in search of higher truths and who is spiritual in nature. Customs and traditions are highlighted, and it suggests that we can all find comfort in our culture, especially during hard and difficult times. It is time to get back to basics - like the ancients from our past did.

Taro Love

He feels that connecting with the Creator is the most effective form of action and advises prayer above other means of communication. The Hierophant depicts someone who is able to see through the superficial and get straight to the heart of the matter. This might be you, or someone who you know.

This article is about Taro Love

Some of the questions this card poses when it is drawn in a tarot reading are:

* What cultural traditions do you follow?

* If you could rule the country which one law would you abolish?

* Which one law would you create?


For the recipient of this card, what is revealed are aspects of their personality, which are hidden or resisted. When a card appears, it indicates that you should be released from this restriction, and try to develop this part of you. The Hierophant indicates fairness, wisdom and the ability to convey important lessons to others.

Family and friends

For family and friends of the recipient, this card indicated he possibility of a marriage coming soon.


In relation to someone's health the Hierophant tarot card indicates women's health concerns relating to hormones, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, PMT, menopause etc.

Love Life

In relation to someone's love life the Hierophant tarot card often indicates a marriage or staying within a relationship because it's what is expected e.g. for the sake of the children.


In relation to a person's career the Hierophant tarot card often indicates careers in education or health or being in an institutionalised setting.

General Aspects

A Hierophant is a wise sage who has knowledge of ancient mysteries - a wise person and a teacher.

Help is at hand. You are being guided by this card to seek help and advice from someone. This person will provide wise counsel and moral guidance. You should put your trust in someone who you respect and admire. This could be a close friend or a relative of yours.

It is important not to let others influence you too much though. Don't let other people tell you how you should behave, especially where this goes against your nature. Follow your intuition - be true to yourself above all else.

Now is a time to be a little more traditional rather that being unconventional.

Struggles and conflict end in victory with this card. You will enjoy a realisation about what you truly want - whether this is indeed a fulfilling relationship with someone you know now, or another person yet to enter your life - perhaps even someone from your past will feature soon. Whatever transpires and whatever you decide, the future is very good in the area of what you hope and dream for.

This card indicates a growing spirituality. Either an awareness, or a need to develop this side of you. The Hierophant actually signifies a teacher, who could be a spiritual guru. Moral lessons are to be learned from events and circumstances that surround you.

The recipient of this card could be expecting a marriage, or formal legal commitment with some responsibilities attached.

With advice, knowledge, faith and tradition well represented by this card, it's time to go out in the world and make a difference -- for yourself, your loved ones, and for everybody.

The Hierophant Tarot Card - What it Means in a Tarot Reading People search Taro Love and look in this page

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