Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Magician Tarot Card - Why it Means You Can Finally Get What You Want in Life, As If by Magic!

The Magician Tarot card is the card dreams are made of, and it augers the presence of power and the ability to get results.

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The Tarot Deck comprises two sections: the Major Arcana, and the Minor Arcana. Arcana means "secret" and it is through a Tarot Reading that many secrets of life are revealed to the Querent (person receiving a Tarot reading). The cards convey many messages because of the richness of their images and connections.

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It is no wonder that the Tarot has intrigued and fascinated people over the centuries.

A skilled and expert Tarot Reader can interpret the Cards, helped by their own innate psychic intuition. Everyone can learn to develop their psychic awareness and intuition, and anyone can learn to read and interpret the Tarot

A Tarot Reader will have learned to interpret the Magician Tarot card in relation to where it appears in a Tarot Spread and its relationship with surrounding cards.

The Magician card is a positive card in a Reading, and indicates that the things are in place, and the time is right, to use talents and fortune to achieve positive goals and dreams.

This card throws up the following questions when it appears:

* Do you posses Magical qualities and what are they?
* Do you have the power to change, create and control the things in your life?
* Are you prepared to move heaven and earth to get what you want?
* Where will your strength to do this come from?

With reference to your personality, the Magician speaks of changes that will mean the ability to take action to achieve goals. All fear to speak out and take action will dissolve, obstacles will diminish.

In connection with close family and other relationships, the Magician card could predict a pregnancy, or even the loss of someone close. Also be wary of someone being hurtful.

As for health the Magician Tarot card can represent a problem with mental health, pregnancy or perhaps caring responsibilities have taken their toll. However, it can also mean renewed vitality, greater energy and feeling vigorous.

In relation to your love life this card predicts a powerfully strong love. Now you will have the strength to move heaven and earth to resolve problems and achieve goals.

In relation to your career the Magician Tarot card shows progress and suggests that whatever you set your mind to do you must take action now.

The Magician of the card represents a skilled and talented person. He is an alchemist by profession, and epitomizes the ability to translate ideas into action. The symbolism of this card is creativity, demonstrating great achievement for the Querent if they are willing to put their ideas into action.

This card is also an indicator of unseen powers and psychic ability, a connection to the divine, and a sign that some Magical influences could be coming into the Querant's life or that their intuition will become stronger.

If revealed in a Tarot Reading, this card shows that a choice must be made on what to focus on before success can be achieved.

Above all else this card is issuing a challenge to the Querant to take action and put their talents to the best use to create success.

Positive connotations associated with this card are action, confidence, individuality and willpower.

Negative connotations associated with this card are deception, lack of self-confidence and indecision.

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1 comment:

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